Campos, F. C., Ahn, J., DiGiacomo, D. K., Nguyen, H., & Hays, M. (2021). Making Sense of Sensemaking: Understanding How K–12 Teachers and Coaches React to Visual Analytics. Journal of Learning Analytics, 8(3), 60-80.
Campos, F. C. & Anderson, G. (2021). Paulo Freire’s Critical Influence on PAR. In Burns, D., Howard, J., and Ospina, S.M. (eds) (2021-forthcoming) The SAGE Handbook of Participatory Research and Enquiry, 55 City Road, London: SAGE Publications Ltd.
Campos, F. C., & Hoadley, C. (2021) Mapping Conceptual Tensions Around Civic Learning. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2021. Bochum, Germany. 1039-1040
Nguyen H., Campos F., Ahn J. (2021) Discovering Generative Uncertainty in Learning Analytics Dashboards. In: Sahin M., Ifenthaler D. (eds) Visualizations and Dashboards for Learning Analytics. Advances in Analytics for Learning and Teaching. Springer, Cham.
Ahn, J., Campos, F., Nguyen, H., Hays, M., & Morrison, J. (2021, April). Co-Designing for Privacy, Transparency, and Trust in K-12 Learning Analytics. In LAK21: 11th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (pp. 55-65).
Ahn, J., Nguyen, H., & Campos, F. (2021). From visible to understandable: Designing for teacher agency in education data visualizations. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 21(1).
Ahn, J., Nguyen, H., Campos, F., & Young, W. (2021, April). Transforming Everyday Information into Practical Analytics with Crowdsourced Assessment Tasks. In LAK21: 11th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference(pp. 66-76).
Nguyen, H., Campos, F., & Ahn, J. (2021). Expanding the Design Space of Data and Action in Education: What Co-designing with Educators Reveal about Current Possibilities and Limitations.
In Bowers, A. (Ed), Reports from the NSF School Data Collaborative Workshop.
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